I finished my February Grab Bag Tablerunner at Quilt Camp!
MORE about Quilt Camp later!
Sunday, January 31, 2011
This is my Critter's Quilt top. It's as done as I'm going to get it for now. I have all the trees, leaves, and animals ready to go for the border, but I just don't know if I want the quilt exactly like the original. So, it's going to hang on my design wall, until it "tells" me what it wants. :)
Ready for February!

Saturday, January 1, 2011
UFO Challenge 2011 January Pick is....#6. I've been working on this quilt for about 8 years! It is probably the one that I wanted to work on the least...which is good. Maybe I can finally get it done and it won't haunt me. I have to take this:

and make it look like this:

Friday, December 31st
I've joined the UFO Challenge 2011! I won't tell just how many UFO's I have, but needless to say that doing just finishing 12 a year....I'll be part of a club like this for at least 6 years....or more. In this challenge, we number our UFO's 1-12 and Judy will draw a number and that is the project we work on. I'm looking to finish a lot of quilt tops! I have soooo many started. Working at Erica's, it's really hard to stay on task. So many things pass by my desk that I want to make that I can't wait to start the next project before finishing the others. Wish me luck!
UFO Challenge 2011
1. Charlotte's Garden
2. Rancher's Daughter
3. Bali Circles Quilt
4. S&W Butterfly Quilt
5. 2 Quilted Bags/October Wall Hanging
7. Erica's Sampler Quilt
8. Basket Quilt
9. RWB/American Primer Disappearing 9 Patch/Crazy 9 Patch
11. Flag Wall Hanging/Paper Doll Quilt
12. Ben's Quilt Completed