I can't believe it's been 10 days since posting. The days have been full of boys, storms and a terrible backache. The boys have been over playing in the pool at every chance. Even Eli has been swimming. He' is jumping off the ladder and having a great time....and he has no trouble drinking pool water. All he wants to do is be like his big brothers.

Caleb rode up to Michigan with us to get some strawberries. We didn't get to pick berries this year. We have had too much rain and too many storms. Within the past two weeks we have had severe storms and in some places tornados. After the last storm on Friday, there are still many communities without power.

Wednesday I was watching Bruce cut down tree limbs...and I threw my back out. I did absolutely nothing except stand still...and all of a sudden I couldn't move. By Saturday I was somewhat better. BJ went with Ben and me to the Leeper Park Art Fair.

After walking the art show...very slowly and carefully...we walked by the geese and the duck pond. The storm knocked a big limb into the pond.

Afterwards we went to Putt Putt, since I had promised Ben. He picked up my ball so I wouldn't have to bend over.

And...last but not least, yesterday was the Coleman Reunion where Ben and Caleb discovered Poppers...those little things you throw and sound like small arms fire. They really liked them. Ahhh, now to go relax with some icy hot and pain reliever.