Thursday, October 28, 2010

Little Dresses

A few members of the Michiana Sewing B met to make Little Dresses for Africa and Haiti tonight. We were bumped from our original building, but Darlene graciously opened her home for us to sew. Some sewed, some measured, some cut, some ironed...we all ate.

Thanks to the ladies of the "B", Erica's Craft and Sewing and of Michiana Community Church of God, we have 55+ dresses to be shipped next week. Good job ladies!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

September? Mid October?

The last few weeks have went by in a flash. A last minute trip to Kentucky with Marcia and the boys, a Tennesse Vacation with friends,

a quilt shop hopping (with a stop at a cup cake store! I had diet Coke),

TWO Apple Festivals,

quilt camp,

lots of sewing and sewing b's,

Bill and Amy were here from Florida,

apple picking with the boys

...and of course, work. I may never catch up at work....shelves are piled high with new stuff and now I get to post about new stuff on Erica's Facebook Page.
I thought life may slow down for a while, but looking at the calendar...I don't think so!