This is from Judith's blog:
Are you like the rest of us; and are always wishing at Christmas time that you had started making your Handmade gifts earlier; and.......always announce that you are DEFINITELY going to start early next year ????
I don't know how many times I have been caught out at Christmas time, with absolutely nothing in the house that is remotely close to being a finished handmade gift.......and; I get an unexpected visit from a sweet person bearing a gorgeous little "nice to know you" gift !!!
I am always upset with myself and vow that I will have a basket of handmade mini gifts for those unexpected moments for the next year.......mmm......well it hasn't happened yet !!!! SO.......I am determined to do it this year, ARE YOU?????
There are more directions on her site!
Here's my Book! Now I have to find my gift container!

If you looking for ALOT of quick gift ideas, I recommend Totally Tutorials. Check it out1
Hey, I recognize that tree! Great job on your book, I love it! You are going to be a scrapper yet.................. :) It is never to early to start on Christmas gifts, that is for sure!
ReplyDeleteha! I wondered if you'd notice!