My husband's Uncle Norm was laid to rest yesterday. Rev. Norman C. Nelson was an "amazing man". Yesterday during the Celebration of Life ceremony "amazing" was the theme. I don't think I've ever heard the word "amazing" soooo many times at one time. The stories were great and there was not a dry eye in the church. There was also a ceremony held in Ohio on Sunday. Family members told of the lines out the door and down the street there, as people waited to tell the family of how this "amazing" man touched their lives. Uncle Norm will be missed...and his son is sure he is in heaven already coaching baseball.

I did manage to mat and frame my friend Darlene's cross stitch. Isn't it pretty? This woman can knit and cross stitch faster than anyone I know.

OK..now that I thought things would get back to normal....I see a portable potty on a fork lift going past my window. Is this my normal? Oh my. Well, off to the church to clean up. I was way tooo tired to clean up after the ceremony yesterday, so I have dirty dishes and trash to take out there too.