My daughter, Marcia, is heading to Arizona on a mission trip with fellow church members Sheryl, Joy and Bethany. She just sent me some pictures of the mountains. I'm sure she is very excited....she has never been to that part of the country before.
I've been spending the last few days getting caught up at work and working on a few sewing projects here at home. I'm hoping the boys will be coming home with me after church on Sunday...and then it will be PLAY TIME!

I finished 2 Little Dresses for Africa. I have quite a few more donated pillowcases to do more.

I'm starting a new project...yeah I know I don't NEED a new project, but I couldn't help myself. It is the Daisy Do by Jenny of ELEFANTZ and these are the fabrics I have chosen. I thought I would get this started and keep it in the car to do when I'm waiting...I always seem to be waiting on someone..or something. There is sooo much road construction going on in this town, I'll have the first block done in a jiffy. (They start on my road on Tuesday!)
I think I'll start tracing the Daisy Do. With all of the fireworks going off in the neighborhood, there will be no sleeping anytime soon.
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